Specialist Settlement Agreement Solicitor

Straight-forward, no-nonsense employment law advice for businesses

Specialist Settlement Agreements advice for employees

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London:020 7247 7190 Manchester:0161 883 1255 Preston: 01772 369 450 Birmingham: 0121 663 1191

Gordon Turner - Employment Law Specialist

Welcome to my website... I'm an experienced employment law solicitor with over 30 years’ experience.

These days I offer 2 services: ‘same day’ advice for employees with Settlements Agreements and advice and support for Employers.

I no longer advise employees on things such as Grievances or Tribunal claims. The Law Society has an excellent search engine to help you find what you’re looking for https://solicitors.lawsociety.org.uk/

For more information visit my Settlement Agreement page. Advice is by phone or Teams at the fixed fee which your employer has agreed to pay (normally £350-£500 plus VAT).

Please don’t hesitate to call me for an initial no obligation chat. It’s best to try my mobile first 07527 261 926 or if I’m unavailable call 0207 247 7190.


Settlement Agreement Solicitor in London, Birmingham, Manchester

My main office is in London with meeting rooms in Birmingham and Manchester. I can represent clients anywhere in England and do not charge travel costs.


About me

Employment Law advice
for Employers

Find out more about
Gordon Turner

What other people say

Gordon has an uncanny ability to cut through the complexities and identify the killer point. His judgement is invariably spot on

Jason Galbraith-Marten QC

Get in touch

For help and advice on employment law,
make an appointment with Gordon Turner today


Settlement Agreements - the Basics

4th July 2023

What is a Settlement Agreement?When you’re offered a Settlement Agreement there’s probably a lot on your mind: paying the bills;

Negotiating a Settlement Agreement

27th July 2022

With Settlement Agreement negotiations people can be influenced by unhelpful material- from friends or the Internet. For example